The parable, according to Pastor John Macarthur, is not really about the prodigal son per se but is about God. John Macarthur contrasted God's love, compassion, grace, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, condescension, generosity, joy versus the sinner's sinfulness, rebellion, total depravity, decadence, lostness, waywardness, un-thankfulness, ungratefulness, living for the self.
The father in the parable is a picture of God looking and seeking for the sinner like you and me. Every sinner regardless of who you are and your past history of good and bad must come in repentance recognizing that we have rebel against God's authority, went astray to serve the god of this world and is no longer worthy and come to God for His grace and mercy.
The Pharisees and scribes of Jesus' time cannot accept that a Holy God is also Sovereign God of grace. God will have compassion upon the repentant sinner whom He calls and draws to Jesus Christ, the only Way to Him. All of redemption plan to save draw and sinner is the work of God alone, to God alone be all the glory. Amazing Grace !

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