Words by George D. Watson
Harmony by Herbert G. Tovey
1. I hear my risen Savior say:
“Follow me, follow me, follow me”;
His voice is calling all the day,
“Follow me, follow me, follow me;
For thee I trod the bitter way,
For thee I gave my life away,
And drank the gall thy debt to pay,
Follow me, follow me, follow me.”
2. “Though thou hast sinned I’ll pardon thee;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
From every sin I’ll set thee free;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
In all thy changing life I’ll be
Thy God, thy guide on land and sea,
Thy bliss through all eternity,
Follow me, follow me, follow me!”
3. “Come, cast on Me thine every care;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
Thy heavy load I will upbear;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
Come, look to Me—dismiss thy fears;
And trust Me through eternal years;
My hand shall wipe away thy tears;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!”
- 我听我的救主吩咐:『跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;』
并尝苦胆免你重负,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我。 - 你虽有罪,我必宽宥,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;
作你喜乐直至千秋,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我。 - 带你罣虑到我这里,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;
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