Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holy Spirit Fell on All Present

William E. Schubert in his book “I Remember John Sung”.wrote this account of the NanChang China Pentecost when the power of the Holy Spirit came mightily during a John Sung led revival meeting.

Holy Spirit Fell on All Present
(NanChang, China - March 1931)

“That evening, instead of the six or eight or ten coming, there were 250 to 300 present in the Baldwin School chapel. The place was filled. Dr. Sung had us sing some choruses about prayer. Then he told us to pray. But nobody prayed. It was rather embarrassing at first. Then two little high school girls stood up and began to pray at the same time. I can still see their double braids. We had never had that; never more than one person prayed at the one time. ……….

Just then the Holy Spirit fell on everybody. All began to pray at once. There was no rushing wind, and there were no tongues that I know of. But God spoke to everyone in Chinese, and it seemed the natural thing to pray in Chinese, with utterance beyond what I had ever experienced. God spoke to me in Chinese, and I prayed in torrents of Chinese.

At first, Dr. Sung was very much surprised, and not pleased. He called out for us to stop: “We don’t want any fanaticism here.” I don’t think he had ever been in a place where all prayed at one time, though later in his meetings it often happened. Later, it became common, and still is practised in Taiwan and among most evangelical Chinese groups everywhere. But at the time we had never seen or heard it before. The whole outburst was unplanned and spontaneous — a moving of the Holy Spirit. But that night in March 1931 Dr. Sung stopped us.

He asked all to go to their rooms and pray quietly. He said, “Now I’ll pronounce the benediction.” But as he prayed, the Holy Spirit fell the second time, and everybody began to pray a in chorus again. Again he stopped us: “You didn’t understand; I didn’t say to pray here.” I later asked him why he stopped us, and he told me, “I didn’t want the missionaries to say `That crazy Sung made all the students crazy.”

Then, as he began to pronounce the benediction again, the Holy Spirit fell upon the whole congregation the third time. So he finally let us go on, and the spontaneous prayer must have continued forty-five minutes to an hour. Christians got under conviction and confessed their sins. There were about seven or eight communist students, who later confessed that they had been paid to come there to school to cause trouble.

These communist students were in the center of rows, scattered throughout the audience where they could make the most disturbance. When they got under conviction, they tried to get out, but the Christian students wouldn’t let them out of the rows. The Christian students had been praying for them. I can remember seeing the Christian students beating their own knees for joy when the young communists got so under conviction. All the agitators could do was to stand up and beat their breasts and cry out, “Oh, my unspeakable sins.” They all became earnest Christians.’

Monday, August 25, 2008

John Sung - God's Evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Chinese in China and Asia

God in His grace will see to it that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be transmitted and preached by His messengers to every tongue and tribe in the entire world before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at His 2nd coming. God raised up one of the greatest evangelists of all time to reach out to the Chinese people in China and those scattered outside of China.

William E. Schubert in "I REMEMBER JOHN SUNG" said, "Dr. Sung was probably the greatest preacher of this century. I have heard almost all the great preachers from 1910 until now, including R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday, Henry Jowett, the great holiness preachers, the Methodist bishops, including Bishop Quayle, even Harry Emerson Fosdick, who set a great example of the homiletic art, though I did not agree with him, and finally Billy Graham. Yet John Sung surpassed them all in pulpit power, attested by amazing and enduring results, ....."

Today, many Chinese churches outside of China (in South East Asia and Taiwan) had their original roots through the ministry of this worthy servant of the Lord: John Sung Shang Chieh (traditional Chinese: 宋尚節; simplified Chinese: 宋尚节; pinyin: Sòng Shàng-Jíe; (29 September 1901 – 18 August 1944) was a faithful Chinese Christian evangelist who was greatly used by the Lord in the revival movement among the Chinese in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia during the 1920s and 1930s.

Our Almighty and Everlasting God has been merciful and gracious to the Chinese. He sent His servant John Sung to shine the glorious light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach millions of Chinese. John Sung sowed a lasting legacy of faithful believers who have reaped more than hundred folds many times over.

Though, I was came into this world long after John Sung has passed away, I came to know the Lord through the ministries of faithful believers who came to the Lord through the preaching of John Sung in the past.

Thank You Lord for John Sung !

Asian Awakening

I Remember John Sung

John Sung My Teacher

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I hear my risen Savior say: "Follow me, follow me, follow me"

God sent His only begotten Son: my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. God alone freely gave His mercy out of His Sovereign Grace and Love. Our Lord has given so much for me, I can’t repay Him neither does He expect me to. My only appropriate response is just to simply receive His Grace, to love and enjoy Him, to obey and do His words, serving Him and bringing Glory to Him. Lord Jesus, my Lord and my God, I hear thee and I will follow thee, .

Words by George D. Watson
Harmony by Herbert G. Tovey

1. I hear my risen Savior say:
“Follow me, follow me, follow me”;
His voice is calling all the day,
“Follow me, follow me, follow me;
For thee I trod the bitter way,
For thee I gave my life away,
And drank the gall thy debt to pay,
Follow me, follow me, follow me.”

2. “Though thou hast sinned I’ll pardon thee;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
From every sin I’ll set thee free;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
In all thy changing life I’ll be
Thy God, thy guide on land and sea,
Thy bliss through all eternity,
Follow me, follow me, follow me!”

3. “Come, cast on Me thine every care;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
Thy heavy load I will upbear;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!
Come, look to Me—dismiss thy fears;
And trust Me through eternal years;
My hand shall wipe away thy tears;
Follow me, follow me, follow me!”

  1. 我听我的救主吩咐:『跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;』
  2. 你虽有罪,我必宽宥,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;
  3. 带你罣虑到我这里,跟从我,跟从我,跟从我;

Friday, August 15, 2008

Everyone who thirst, Come To Me and Drink!

John 7:37-39 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

The feast mentioned here is the Jewish festival of Sukkot and there is a ritual of the drawing of water from a spring and bringing it to the altar as an offering to be poured out. The “Pouring of the Water” (nisuch hamayim) was an important feature of the festival of Sukkot. It was already at the end festival of Sukkot, when all the celebrations including the ritualistic pouring of the water at the altar of the Temple are already finished, our Lord Jesus Christ stood up and cried out …..EVERYONE WHO THIRST, COME TO ME and DRINK !

Background to the Jewish festival of Sukkot and “Pouring of the Water”
“When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, the “Pouring of the Water” (nisuch hamayim) was an important feature of the festival of Sukkot….; .. The drawing of water for this purpose was preceded by all-night celebrations in the Temple courtyard, with music-playing Levites, torch-juggling sages and huge oil-burning lamps that illuminated the entire city. The singing and dancing went on until daybreak, when a procession would make its way to the Shiloach Spring which flowed in a valley below the Temple. A golden pitcher, holding three lugim, was filled from the Shiloach Spring. When they arrived at the Water Gate, the shofar was sounded…. [The priest] ascended the ramp [of the altar] and turned to his left … where there were two bowls of silver … with small holes [in their bottom], one wider and the other narrower so that both should empty at the same time–the western one was for the water and the eastern one for wine…” - The Taste of Water-Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Yanki Tauber

From what the Lord said, there are three things to happen : you must thirst, you must come to Him and you must drink from Him.Unless you thirst after righteousness of God, why would you go and get a drink ? Would any man or woman “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph 2:1) thirst after God’s righteousness and seeks after God ? Rom3:11 says it: “there is none that understandeth; there is none that seeketh after God.”. No no one will seek after God unless God draws him or her to Him. Our Lord said in John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

Can we claim our drink from Him on the basis we earned it by our “works of righteousness” ? Simply put, can we seek to claim salvation from God on the basis that we have always striven to live better and behave better. No! Why would you come to the Divine Physician unless you acknowledge that you are sick in sins and it is incurable and terminal without God’s remedy and power? “But when Jesus heard this, He said, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.” Matt 9:12 Every one has to humble himself or herself, leaving behind all our “self righteousness” claims, come to Jesus Christ and ask Him to give us a drink. In our Lord’s encounter with the Samaritan woman, he revealed that it is “the gift of God” and she will only ask if she really knew who Jesus Christ is. Yes, Jesus Christ is greater than Jacob, only Jesus Christ can give us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can give us living water of eternal life through born again and regeneration because Jesus Christ has provided the only Way to God and the only Truth to come to God and the only Life Everlasting.

John 4:10-13Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”"Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?” Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Only By His Grace, God the Father upon His begotten Son’s victorious work on the cross has raised Him from the dead, sent the Holy Spirit into all who come and believed in Him. Our rebellious kneels and hearts must have bowed to the our Sovereign who is absolutely Holy and absolutely Just. Our faith must be in Him as our sin-bearer, the Lamb of God. We have to look to Lamb of God lifted up and live. We in our bodily temples are cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us.

All life on earth needs water, without water, all life will die sooner or later. Without water, we will die ! The Holy Spirit is the living water of eternal life, we have to come to Jesus Christ to drink of the Holy Spirit. He alone can quench our spiritual thirst and will continue to abide with us and give us “the rivers of living waters” ! He will be a “spring of water welling up to eternal life”. The Holy Spirit will do His mighty works of righteousness in us. The Holy Spirit is the gift of our risen Lord Jesus Christ to all who heard Him stood up and cried out, we have come to Him and we have drank and we have Life Everlasting. Hallelujah ! To God be the Glory !