Knowing God, Knowing God's Word, Believing God's Truth, Serving God, Pointing People to God
Monday, August 17, 2009
Vastness of The Universe: Showcasing The Majesty of God The Creator
"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built! Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O LORD my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you this day, that your eyes may be open night and day toward this house, the place of which you have said, 'My name shall be there,' that you may listen to the prayer that your servant offers toward this place (1 Kings 8:27-29).
God is immensely bigger than anything existing or what you can even imagine. The God of the Bible is a BIG God. He is not contained by space, that even “the heavens and the heaven of heavens cannot contain” Him (1Kings 8:27). God fills His entire creation, they cannot contain Him (Jer 23:23 – 24). Lets ponder and meditate on this truth about the infinite vastness and immenseness attribute of God. Consciously, lets put the brake on our busy lives, take the time to meditate constantly on this wonderful truth about God. When we grasp the true vastness of heavens, the truth about God's infinite vastness and immenseness humbles us as we truly behold His greatness and glory and power and dominion. It is important to keep this truth in mind, for John Calvin said "men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God.”. When we seek to see and understand the vastness of the universe, we will be awe by this truth about God. We will be blessed when we catch a glimpse of His awesome power and glory! Then and only then, true worship can come forth from frail and insignificant creatures. God, THE Creator, He created the earth and the entire universe. He understands the stars and the black holes, for He made them. God is the source of infinite wisdom, we need to search no where else. When we need true wisdom, we look to Him for "if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him".
As created beings, we ought to be humble when God revealed Himself within the scriptures and when we believe Him, we will be blessed by Him. God, though infinitely vast and immense, is near to those "who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word", it brings great peace, rejoicing and wonder into the core of our being. We shall then respond like David in that "such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it." (Psalms 139:6). It will always be great joy to hear and believe the good news in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel that God, by His grace and mercy, has appointed one and only one way, one truth and one life that sinners, like you and me, may be reconciled to Him. He is forever a Holy and Just God. As only those who are pure in heart will get to see God. Sinners on our own effort and strength have no hope, we can't have the purity in our hearts because our sins and unrighteousness condemned us. However, God has made it possible for sinners to come to Him, it is only through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ's great accomplishment at Calvary, God has made a Way. It is through God the Son's finished work on the cross bearing their sins and atonement, God can redeem sinners to be His children that they might know Jehovah and behold His glory, the infinitely, immensely big God, the great "I AM" Who is near His children and Who hears the prayer and pleading of those who cry out to Him (1Kings 8:28-30).
See a related post: We are not the centre of the Universe, God is.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Who is God and how are we saved? – Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims

In these video clips from the Muslim – Christian dialogue held in Dubai 2009, Thabite Anyabwile explained the Gospel of Jesus Christ and specifically “Who is God and how are we saved?”. This is third dialogue/debate in a series organised by the Muslim Student Association and Christian Fellowship Club from the University of Wollongong in Dubai.
Thabiti Anyabwile, currently senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman, has a remarkable testimony of being converted to Islam while being a nominal Christian, and then God called him to a true saving faith in Jesus Christ. Being a former Muslim and is now a Christian pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile has a unique perspective of explaining to Muslims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and specifically “Who is God and how are we saved?” with some very useful insights.
Related Post:
Who is Jesus Christ ? – A former Muslim explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Who is Jesus Christ ? – A former Muslim explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Thabiti Anyabwile began serving as elder/senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman since August 2006. He served previously as an elder/assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and as an elder at Church on the Rock in Raleigh, NC. Thabiti Anyabwile has a strong professional and academic background in community psychology, with special interest in the history and development of the African American church. Thabiti holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in psychology from North Carolina State University.
In these video clips, Thabite Anyabwile explained “Who is Jesus Christ” at a dialogue/debate was organised by the Muslim Student Association and Christian Fellowship Club from the University of Wollongong in Dubai.
Related Post: Who is God and how are we saved? – Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims