Saturday, February 28, 2009

Testimony: Hardcore Rapper's Life Transformed by Jesus Christ

Mark was a former rapper of PKO. Mark, also known as Magic Mark was part of the underground rap scene awhile back. The Lord has saved His soul, and this is His testimony. Mark shared his salvation and transformation by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mark shared about Jesus Christ, and the change that is only found in Him.
Marvelous Light

Who is bigger than God?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

God, If You're Real, Show Me a Sign ?

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Rom 1:18-25

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Holiness of God - Our Call To Holiness

As believers, sons and daughters of an absolutely Holy God, our call to holiness is inextricably linked to the Holiness of the God we worship."As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." 1Pe 1:14 -16

Update July 2009: A full sermon on "The Holiness of God" by R C Sproul at the Desiring God Conference 2007

Isaiah saw the Seraphim around the throne of God and they cried out “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" Isa 6:3
RC Sproul - Clip 1 of 5 from "The Holiness of God"
“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.” (Isa 6:1,5).
RC Sproul - Clip 2 of 5 from "The Holiness of God"
Why did Isaiah cried out like that? Prophet Isaiah, viewed as righteous man of virtues in Israel, was given a view of an absolutely Holy God. In his classic book “The Holiness of God”, Dr R.C. Sproul described it vividly, “In that single moment, all his self-esteem was shattered. In a brief second he was exposed, made naked beneath the gaze of the absolute standard of holiness. As long as Isaiah could compare himself to other mortals, he was able to sustain a lofty opinion of himself to other mortals, he was able to sustain a lofty opinion of his own character. The instant he measured himself by the ultimate standard, he was destroyed - morally and spiritually annihilated. He was undone. He came apart, His sense of integrity collapsed.”
RC Sproul - Clip 3 of 5 from "The Holiness of God"
"Hence that dread and amazement with which as Scripture uniformly relates, holy men were struck and overwhelmed whenever they beheld the presence of God. When we see those who previously stood firm and secure so quaking with terror, that the fear of death takes hold of them, nay, they are, in a manner, swallowed up and annihilated, the inference to be drawn is that men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God." John Calvin, Institutes on the Christian Religion 1, part 5 Book First: Of the Knowledge of God the Creator
RC Sproul - Clip 4 of 5 from "The Holiness of God"
"The Holiness of God: The angels declare that God is “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Without a proper grasp of God’s holiness we do not understand who He truly is, nor do we understand who we truly are. Once we begin to grasp the true meaning of God’s holiness, our lives and our worship will be forever changed." Source:
RC Sproul - Clip 5 of 5 from "The Holiness of God"

Read more here : The Holiness of God

Friday, February 13, 2009

“It’s only me” Christians

“Is that you, darling” We all know the pathetic story, and how the other child, who was not the “darling,” sadly answered, “No, mother, it’s only me.” And with too many Christians “it’s only me” expresses the response the heart makes to His appeal to them to follow Him as His “beloved children.” (Ephesians 5:1) That Enoch pleased God is the Greek Bible rendering of the Hebrew words that he “walked with God.” And both are joined in the, Apostle’s exhortation: “how ye ought to walk and to please God.” (1 Thessalonians 4:1) But such a standard of Christian life, even for a single day, is deemed visionary and unpractical. We are “only me” Christians.

Sir Robert Anderson, "Types in Hebrews" - " HIS FULL PROVISION"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Graduation, Congrats ! Here is some advice in case you get arrested

It was Jesus who told his disciples clearly to expect that there will be a cost to their earthy existence if they choose to be His disciples but it will be an opportunity for them to bear witness for Him:

"But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness. Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. You will be hated by all for my name's sake. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives." Luk 21:12-19

Trained to be Arrested

"Not many graduations include advice on dealing with the police. But that was practical counsel for a group of 29 young people graduating from Gospel for Asia's Karnataka, India, Bible college last December. After three years of intense Bible training, these students were ready to start serving as full-time missionaries.

A GFA district leader spoke at the graduation. Giving an accurate picture of the life ahead, he offered practical ways to carefully work within the culture and dangers likely to be faced. He encouraged the students to stay sober-minded and prepared to go through struggles. Because of the increasing persecution in their state, it is very probable that each new missionary will be confronted by police at some point—possibly even arrested. The speaker outlined how to deal with police in these situations."

More, please read it here: "Trained to be arrested"



"Sixty-six percent of the state's 52 million people speak Kannada; Urdu and Telugu are also widely spoken. The population is 85 percent Hindu, 11 percent Muslim, 2 percent Christian (a decline from almost 3 percent in 1971) and 0.8 percent Jain.

Karnataka is southern India's most spiritually desolate state, claiming only 1.1 million Christians. Many regions of the state are without even one follower of Jesus.

Gospel for Asia in Karnataka:
Personal evangelism
Church planting
Bible schools
Ministry to children
Primary schools for Dalits
Gospel literature distribution
Radio broadcasts in Kannada, Urdu, Telugu and Tulu"
More, please read it here: Karnataka

Monday, February 9, 2009

True evangelism, wrought through faithful preaching of Gospel in full

This is an excellent "must see" video clip documentary on how, Mark and Gloria Zook, a New Tribes Mission's missionary couple from the US went to Papua New Guinea to share the Gospel with Papuan natives in a remote village.

These people have previously never seen the world outside of their village. These people have never heard of God of the bible, the missionaries did not want to jump right into sharing who Jesus Christ is without first providing them the full picture on the Gospel story as revealed by the bible. The missionaries started by sharing with these Papuan natives simple information on the location where the natives lived relative to others in PNG and in relation to the community of world nations. The Papuan natives started to have a bigger worldview beyond their remote village. They realized that there is a much bigger world beyond their village. With an enhanced worldview, teaching the bible and its events began to make much better sense.

The missionaries took great pains to faithfully teach and explain the whole counsel of God, starting from the creation of the world, creation of man and how man sinned against God, the basis of Old Testament revelations in the calling of Abraham and the sacrificial offering of Isaac by Abraham and how God finally provided the sacrificial lamb. Old Testament's typology were carefully explained and necessity for a perfect sin bearer to atone the sins of sinners and then pointing to God sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was faithfuly expounded and the people began to see their sinfulness to be as vile as that of people of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident that God moved amongst these people, by His grace, the glorious Gospel's saving power to shine into their hearts, giving them light and opening the hearts to repentance and faith. The people turned to trust in Jesus Christ and were overjoyed that they have found a Savior in Jesus Christ, they loved Him. This video showed the results of true evangelism, wrought through faithful preaching of Gospel in full and relying on God's mighty power and promise to save through His Gospel.

Mark Zook - Biography

Mark Zook and his wife, Gloria, were born and reared in Belleville, Pennsylvania. While farming, they were involved in their local church and in correspondence courses through Moody Bible Institute.

They completed New Tribes Mission’s training and moved to Papua New Guinea in 1983 to begin working with the Mouk People. After learning the language and culture, Mark began Bible translation, Bible teaching, and church planting work. He has translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament, developed an extensive Bible teaching curriculum in the Mouk language, and trained Mouk believers for the ministry which has been documented in the videos EE-TAOW and EE-TAOW, the Next Chapter. More than one hundred Mouk men serve as pastor-elders, deacons, Bible teachers, teacher trainees, and literacy program workers ministering to the eighteen indigenous churches in the Mouk tribal area. During the time the Zooks lived and worked with the Mouk tribe, Mark also served as a consultant for tribal missionaries.

Upon returning to Pennsylvania in 1997, Mark joined the team that developed new curriculum for the New Tribes Missions Institute. For the next four years, he taught and refined church planting courses. He has presented church planting seminars in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Venezuela, Papua New Guinea, Argentina, Portugal and the Philippines.

Most recently, Mark co-founded the Worldview Resource Group (WRG), which provides training in cross-cultural church planting methodology with an emphasis on a worldview approach to ministry. Mark’s seminars and workshops are a combination of proven methodology and Biblically-based, practical advice. On December 11, 2004, he received the Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Lancaster Bible College.

Mark and Gloria live in Belleville, PA. They have two children, Rick and Nichole, and two grandchildren. Rick and his family are church planters in Papua New Guinea. Nichole and her family live in Pennsylvania.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Every Christian knew he might have to testify to his faith at the cost of his life

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. Heb 13:3

"The Blood Of The Martyrs Is Seed."

The history of the expansion of Christianity has proved that "the blood of the martyrs is seed" -- the seed of new life in Christ spreading through the world. For almost three hundred years Christianity grew in soil that was wet with the blood of the martyrs. In his History of Christian Missions Stephen Neil mentions the sufferings of the early Christians as one of the six main reasons the church grew so rapidly.

Because of their dangerous situation vis-à-vis the law, Christians were almost bound to meet in secret . . . Every Christian knew that sooner or later he might have to testify to his faith at the cost of his life . . . When persecution did break out, martyrdom could be attended by the utmost possible publicity. The Roman public was hard and cruel, but it was not altogether without compassion; and there is no doubt that the attitude of the martyrs, and particularly of the young women who suffered along with the men, made a deep impression . . . In the earlier records what we find is calm, dignified, decorous behaviour; cool courage in the face of torment, courtesy towards enemies, and a joyful acceptance of suffering as the way appointed by the Lord to lead to his heavenly kingdom. There are a number of well-authenticated cases of conversion of pagans in the very moment of witnessing the condemnation and death of Christians; there must have been far more who received impressions that in the course of time would be turned into a living faith."
John Piper, "Desiring God"- Chapter 10 Suffering - The Sacrifice of Christian Hedonism

A short video showing the re-enactment of the persecution of Christians in the early church in Rome.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not I but Christ Lives In Me - Richard Wurmbrand

"Sitting At The Feet Of A Suffering Saint
- I have never been the same since sitting at the feet of Richard Wurmbrand. It was literally at his feet. He took off his shoes and sat in a chair on the slightly raised platform at Grace Baptist Church in south Minneapolis. (I learned later it had to do with damage to his feet during the torture that he had received in a Romanian prison.) Before him -- and below him -- sat about a dozen pastors. He spoke of suffering. Again and again he said that Jesus "chose" suffering. He "chose" it. It did not merely happen to him. He "chose" it. "No one takes my life from me. I lay it down of my own will" (John 10:18). He asked us if we would choose suffering for the sake of Christ.

Wurmbrand's devotional book, Reaching toward the Heights introduces him like this: Richard Wurmbrand is an evangelical Lutheran pastor of Jewish origin who was born in 1909 in Romania. When the Communists seized his native land in 1945, he became a leader in the underground church. In 1948 he and his wife, Sabina, were arrested, and he served fourteen years in Red Prisons, including three years in solitary confinement in a subterranean cell, never seeing the sun, the stars, or flowers. He saw no one except his guards and torturers. Christian friends in Norway purchased his freedom for $10,000 in 1964." John Piper Chapter 10 Suffering- The Sacrifice of Christian Hedonism

A short video on
Richard Wurmbrand

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lord's Prayer: Confession should be a daily activity for the Christian - by R. C. Sproul


After expressing adoration, we must come with hearts of confession. Remember that we have no right to come before God at all, apart from the finished work of Christ. We can make no claim, in and of ourselves, to the ear of God. We have no intrinsic right to his presence. The Scriptures tell us that God is too holy to even look at sin. God delights in the prayers of the righteous, but we are not very righteous in our daily lives. Nevertheless, the God we serve invites us into his presence in spite of our sin.

In our study of the Lord's Prayer, we have already considered some of the important elements of confession. As the model prayer indicates, confession is to be a normal part of our conversation with God. Confession is not a frivolous matter to be engaged in only at appointed times and dates throughout the year. Confession should be a daily activity for the Christian, whose entire pilgrimage is characterized by the spirit of repentance. The principal reason why confession must be on a daily basis is because our sins are committed on a daily basis against divine law. We do things we ought not to do and leave undone those things God commands us to do. We run up a daily indebtedness before God. Consequently, our daily prayers must include genuine acts of confession."

"Confession is like a declaration of bankruptcy. God requires perfection. The slightest sin blemishes a perfect record. All the "good deeds" in the world cannot erase the blemish and move us from imperfection to perfection. Once the sin has been committed, we are morally bankrupt. Our only hope is to have that sin forgiven and covered through the atonement of the one who is altogether perfect.

When we sin, our only option is repentance. Without repentance there is no forgiveness. We must come before God in contrition. David put it this way:

You do not delight in sacrifice. . . . The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. (Psalm 51:16-17, NIV)

Here David's profound thoughts reveal his understanding of what many Old Testament persons failed to grasp--that the offering of sacrifices in the temple did not gain merit for the sinner. Sacrifices pointed beyond themselves to the perfect Sacrifice. The perfect atonement was offered by the perfect Lamb without blemish. The blood of bulls and goats does not take away sin. The blood of Jesus does. To avail ourselves of the atonement of Christ, to gain that covering, requires that we come before God in brokenness and contrition. The true sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart.

There was an important element of surprise in David's experience of forgiveness. He had begged God to wash away his sin and to make him clean. In a certain sense, forgiveness must never be a surprise. We should never be surprised when God keeps his word. In 1 John 1:9, God tells us that if we confess our sins, he will be faithful to forgive those sins. God keeps his promises; man does not. God is the covenant Maker; we are covenant breakers.

Looking at the issue from another perspective, however, we ought to be surprised every time we experience forgiveness. We ought never to take God's mercy and forgiveness for granted, even though we live in a culture that does. It is terrifying to consider the ease with which we take God's grace for granted. I occasionally ask collegians, seminarians, seminary professors, and ministers the questions, "Is God obligated to be loving? Is he bound to forgiveness and grace?" Again and again their answers are in the affirmative: "Yes, of course, it's God's nature to be loving. He's essentially a God of love. If he didn't show love, he wouldn't be God. If God is God, then he must be merciful!"

He must be merciful? If God must be merciful, then his mercy is no longer free or voluntary. It has become obligatory; if so, then it is no longer mercy, but justice. God is never required to be merciful. As soon as we think God is obligated to be merciful, a red light should flash in our brains, indicating that we are no longer thinking about mercy, but about justice. We need to do more than sing "Amazing Grace"--we need to be repeatedly amazed by grace.

Adapted from R.C. Sproul's small book Does Prayer Change Things?.

Please visit and read the full post here: The Practice of Prayer (pt. 3)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ananias and Sapphira: Two Who Underestimated God’s Standards

Ananias and Sapphira underestimated God’s Standards. Lets take care that we don't be likewise.

"They lied to men and they lied to God, underestimating both and the standards God expects Christians to keep."

Charles Ryrie commented that "they agreed to “put the Spirit to the test” (Act 5:9) and “to see how far they could go in presuming on God’s goodness”


© Copyright Kathryn Capoccia 2001. This file may be freely copied, printed out, and distributed as long as copyright and source statements remain intact, and that it is not sold.

Ananias and Sapphira were two people of the New Testament whom God used as examples, in the same way He used Uzza (1CH 13:10), to show His holiness and the standard of holiness to which He expected believers to cleave. They were not especially remarkable in their persons but achieved a position of uniqueness because of their experiences. Ananias and Sapphira are remembered for the judgment they received when they tried to deceive the Jerusalem Church; they pretended to offer them the whole price of a field they had sold while withholding some of the money. They lied to men and they lied to God, underestimating both and the standards God expects Christians to keep. Like James and John, “the sons of thunder” (MAR 3:17), they did not know “what kind of spirit they were of (LUK 9:55). Let’s turn to ACTS chapter 5 and read about their story.

I. Who Were They? Acts 5:1-11.

A. What were their names? Ananias, a common Jewish name, means, “Jehovah is gracious” in Greek; Sapphira means, “beautiful” in Greek.

B. Where and when did they live? They lived in Israel in the 1st century A. D.

C. Who were their people? Scripture is silent on their history but they both had Greek names and they may have been part of the Hellenistic Jews of the Church (ACT 6:1).

II. What Did They Do?

A. They were members of the Jerusalem Church.

1. What was the Church in Jerusalem?

a. A body of Christians who grew in number:

1) ACT 1:14,15; the brethren were, “about 120 persons…devoting themselves to prayer”.

2) ACT 2:47; those who were daily being saved and joined the Church fellowship.

3) ACT 2:41,42; 3,000 souls (Hebrew and foreign speaking Jews) ACT 2:9-11) were added who were “devoted to the Apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”.

4) ACT 4:4; 5,000 total believers.

5) ACT 6:1, Hellenistic Jews from the dispersion.

b. The “called out ones” (ACT 5:11; “church” means “ekklesia”, those who have been called out from the world to form an assembly).

1) Those who are united through Christ (EPH 4:3; GAL 3:28, 4:1-6).

2) Those who were “born again” (JOH 3:5-8; TIT 3:5)

3) Those who are holy:

a) positionally holy (EPH 5:27).

b) practically holy

i. devoted to God (MAR 10:3,4; ROM 12:1)

ii. imitating God, “Be holy for I am Holy” (1PE 1:16).

iii. conformed to Christ (ROM 8:29, 12:2).

iv. pleasing God (2CO 5:17).

4) Those who evangelize (MAT 28:19,20).

5) Those who fellowship (HEB 10:25).

a) worship (1CO 1:2).

b) celebrate communion (ACT 2:42-47, 20:7-12; 1CO 11:17-20).

c) discipline sinning Christians (1CO 5:2,7, 13:2; 2CO 2:5-7; 2TH 3:14; 1TI 1:20; TIT 3:10).

d) pray (ACT 2:42,46, 4:31).

e) study the Bible (ACT 6:4).

6) Those who do good works (EPH 2:10).

c. Not a particular location: the disciples met in various places;

1) an upper room in Jerusalem (ACT 1:13).

2) a “place” for Pentecost (ACT 2:1).

3) Solomon’s Portico in Herod’s temple (a colonnade running down the E. side of the outer court of the temple: ACT 5:12).

2. Who led the Church?

a. the Apostles; the 12 (the 11 Apostles plus Matthias; ACT 1:25,26) who “devoted themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word”(ACT 6:2).

b. the elders (ACT 15:6).

c. James the LORD’S brother, who died in A. D. 62 (ACT 12:17, 15:12-21, 21:18; GAL 1:19, 2:9, 12; 1CO 15:7; JAM 1:1, JUD 1).

3. How did Ananias and Sapphira become part of the Church?

Scripture is silent about their conversion but we may guess that they were perhaps part of the great mass of Greek speaking believers after Pentecost.

4. How do we know they were believers?

a. They are included in “the congregation of those who believed” (ACT 4:32).

b. They obviously had a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

c. God used them as an example to teach other believers about the folly of sin.

d. Death is the final chastisement for sinning and unrepentant believers (1CO 11:30-32; 1JO 5:16).

B. They examples to the Jerusalem Church.

1. They outwardly imitated the brethren’s example (ACT 4:32-37).

a. Members of the Jerusalem Church would sell land or houses as there was need and give the money to the Church (ACT 4:34,35).

b. Barnabus (Joseph of Cyprus), sold a tract of land and brought the full price to the Apostles to be distributed to the needy (ACT 4:36,37).

2. They inwardly lied to the Holy Spirit.

1JO 2:21 “no lie is of the truth”.

a. How?

1. They deceived the Church: they kept back money from the Church.


a) The money was theirs to do with as they liked (ACT 5:4).

b) Personal property is no where prohibited in Scripture and participation in community goods was only voluntary (ACT 4:32, 34; 2CO 9:7).

2. They lied to the Church (ACT 5:2,4).

a) they conceived the deed in their hearts (ACT 5:4)

“After desire is conceived it gives birth to sin…” JAM 1:15).

b) they agreed to “put the Spirit to the test” (ACT 5:9). I e. “to see how far they could go in presuming on God’s goodness”, Charles Caldwell Ryrie, “The Ryrie Study Bible”, Moody Press, © 1978, pg. 1652.

c) Satan filled Ananias’ heart to lie to the Spirit ACT 5:3).

1) Does this mean that he was possessed by Satan? No, Christians cannot be possessed by an evil spirit because they are possessed by God.

i. Christians belong to God because they have been purchased with Christ’s blood (1CO 7:23) and no one can take them away from God (JOH 10:29).

ii. The body of a believer has been sealed by the Holy Spirit who resides in it: it is His Temple (1CO 6:19).

2) What can Satan do to a believer?

i. he can tempt him to sin (1CO 7:5).

ii. he can become personally involved in the life of a believer (MAT 16:21-23; EPH 6:12; 1PE 5:8,9).

iii. he can oppress a believer.

3) What can a Christian do to defend himself/herself?

i. call upon the LORD, his/her covenant partner, to fight for him/her (see 1Sa 18:3ff to understand the symbols of a covenant and what they entail).

ii. resist the Devil (JAM 4:7).

iii. pray for God to rebuke Satan (JUD1:9).

iv. immerse himself/herself in godly thoughts by studying the Bible (PHI 4:8; 2CO 10:5).

4) What did they do at Satan’s prompting?

a) they “kept back some of the price for themselves” (ACT 5:2).

b) they “laid a portion [of their sale] at the Apostles’ feet” as if it were the full price (ACT 5:2).


The Church is comprised of those who have the Holy Spirit in them and is the Body of Christ; vs. 3,4 address the Spirit as God, so lying to the Church means they lied to the Spirit who is God.

b. Why?

1) They coveted praise.

“Pride goes before destruction” (PRO 16:18).

“When pride comes, then comes dishonor” (PRO 11:2).

a) their pride wanted spiritual prestige.

b) they envied those who were counted among the spiritual.

2) They coveted their money.

*It was not wrong for them to keep money that they needed or wanted because God gives us money for our daily needs, but their attitude about the money is like that of the “rich young ruler” whose money was his god (MAR 10:17-22): they could not give it all up because they did not revere God.

a) they wanted a cost-free sacrifice (see David at 2SA 24:24).

b) they wanted their money and a reputation for generosity too.

3) They loved man’s praise more than God’s (JOH 12:43).

a) they were hypocritical: there was no fear of God in their eyes.

b) they were like the Pharisees who did all of their “righteous” deeds for men and not for God (MAT 6:2).

4) They had a low view of God.

a) they thought He did not see (PSA 10:11), or:

b) they thought He would not act (2PE 3:9).

3. God struck them down.

a. God killed Ananias and Sapphira (ACT 5:5-10).

1. Ananias was slain and buried (ACT 5:5)

a) judgment for the testing of God was passed (DEU 6:6 ; see 2CO 11:2; EPH 5:27).

b) burial was swift for those who died of divine judgment (DEU 21:22,23; a normal burial was usually the same day).

2. Sapphira was slain and buried (ACT 5:10).

b. Fear fell upon the Church and all “who heard of these things” (ACT 5:11).

1. Their deaths were a deterrent to others (1TI 5:19,20).

2. God was glorified as believers realized the seriousness of sin.



III. What Can We Learn From Them?

A. God has the desire to have purity in the Church and the power and will to discipline sin within the Church (1PE 4:17).

B. We should be thankful that God gives us grace and does not immediately discipline us for all of our sins.

C. Lying is a heinous crime against God which He cannot ignore.

D. Hypocrisy is hateful to God (LUK 12:1; MAT 24:51; 1CO 8:12).

The Original may be accessed here: Winners and Losers: Part 17 - ANANIAS and SAPPHIRA

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Confess my Sin - Amazed at the Grace of God - C.J. Mahaney

C.J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace Ministries' shared his heart and biblical view on where confession of sins should be in his and a Christian's walk with God. He said, " I confess my sin—most importantly to God to receive the forgiveness I need from him for my sin through the death of his Son for my many sins...............I hope my confession of sin is the sincere and specific confession of one genuinely convicted of his sin, sorrowful about his sin, and amazed at the grace of God provided for the forgiveness of sin." :

My Confession of Sin

Though I’m seeking to grow in godliness (by God’s grace), I know indwelling sin remains, and that means I will sin against my wife, son, or friends at some point this week. I am the worst sinner I know, not Andy Pettitte. I am more familiar with my sin than I am with his sin. And I have my own moment fast approaching when I will need to acknowledge my sin.

Obviously I am not a high-profile athlete, and my words are not being recorded and evaluated by the press. But my words are being evaluated by God (Matthew 12:36). And at times, I am sorry to say, my confession can be all too Pettitte-like.

When I have sinned against someone, a sincere confession is required. A confession that is sincere and pleasing to God will be specific and brief. I have learned to be suspicious of my confession if it’s general and lengthy. A sincere confession of sin should be specific (“I was arrogant and angry when I made that statement; will you please forgive me for sinning against you in this way?”) and brief (this shouldn’t take long). When I find myself adding an explanation to my confession, I’m not asking forgiveness but instead appealing for understanding.

If my so-called confession extends beyond a very specific (acknowledgement of sin) sentence or two, then I am most likely excusing my sin, and requesting understanding for my sin, rather than sincerely asking forgiveness because of my sin. So I have learned to be suspicious of any confession of sin that is lengthy. Genuine conviction of sin is evidenced by a sincere, specific, and brief confession of sin, without any reference to circumstances or the participation of anyone else. When I sin, I am responsible for my sin, and the cause of my sin is always within my heart and never lies outside my heart.

Often after I sin, and even after I confess my sin—most importantly to God to receive the forgiveness I need from him for my sin through the death of his Son for my many sins—I experience a conflict in my soul about the confessing, when necessary, to the appropriate individuals. And whenever there is this conflict in my soul about specifically confessing my sin, I am aware that pride is actively at work in my soul, opposing the confession and seeking to persuade me that it wouldn’t be wise or even necessary for me to confess. But I have learned to ignore this noise from my arrogant heart, and instead weaken this noise by specifically confessing my sin to the appropriate individual as quickly as possible.

When I do confess, first and foremost to God and then (where and when appropriate) to others, I want my confession to be sincere and specific. I want my confession to express genuine sorrow and gratefulness to God for the mercy I experience because of the substitutionary sacrifice of his Son for my sins on the cross.

And when I confess my sin to others and ask their forgiveness when I have sinned against them, I don’t want my confession to resemble the press conference of a high-profile athlete, characterized by evasive language and the refusal to be specific. Instead, I hope my confession of sin is the sincere and specific confession of one genuinely convicted of his sin, sorrowful about his sin, and amazed at the grace of God provided for the forgiveness of sin.

For the full post by C.J. Mahaney, please visit here : Andy Pettitte and My Confession of Sin by C.J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries.

"For a long time, Mahaney had ties with both restorationism and Maranatha Campus Ministries. He currently co-hosts the Together for the Gospel conference with Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan and Albert Mohler and serves on the Council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and on the boards of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation" Source: Wikipedia